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  • Writer's pictureAshley

Welcome To My Blog!Adjusting To The New Normal:Fashion,Travel,Relaxation,Inspiration,Diet,Well-being

The world has changed so much in the past few years due to the pandemic. It seems as if everyone is just trying to figure it all out. Life overall, is different. I have been trying to balance life, work, my diet, exercise, and relaxing. Working from home has also presented its challenges for me and other people as well. Finding that good balance is what I continue to strive for. Sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day. However, I usually seem to come across something that makes my day just a little brighter. Sometimes it's an inspirational quote, sometimes it's some really cool artwork, or something that someone says. Whatever the case, I try to remember that even though life presents its challenges there's still a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes plans change, but with change there can be a new perspective, fresh innovations, a greater determination to meet a goal, and new beginnings. The new normal and its various restrictions can really throw a wrench in plans. Such is the case when it comes to travel plans and fashion. You may have planned on wearing a certain outfit on a certain day. You may have pictured yourself in another part of the world. You may have even pictured yourself at a cool event or a great restaurant. However, the pandemic has greatly contributed to stores having shorter/odd hours, flights and hotel reservations being cancelled, food and supply shortages, curfews, and many other issues that did not previously exist. Just remember to relax. Take one breath at a time, focus on your positive thoughts, and make adjustments accordingly. Now is a good time to focus on your inner self. Pamper your mind, body, and spirit. Get a healthy amount of sleep. Wear comfortable yet stylish loungewear, and allot more time for eating, exercising, and your overall well-being. You're not alone. When the pandemic hit I thought of and worried about a lot of things, but when it came to my business I thought to myself, "now why should I continue to make resort-wear when no one is really traveling?" Then I thought, "Even though vacations are typically ideal, staycations exist as well!" A lot of people enjoy their staycations(at home vacations). Also, a lot of people are working from home. So why not expand my offerings?... Now, my plan for my company, 10Thirty APPAREL & ACCESSORIES, LLC, is to offer ready-wear for both resort wear and lounge wear, as well as other everyday casual attire, and other one of a kind pieces.

Alright! I'll Write! :)

I didn't expect to write, or blog. It was pretty random really. One day I just thought "why not include a blog on my website/somewhere." I've always liked to write. In the past few years I've been writing to organize my thoughts, relieve stress, and sometimes just because I want to remember something that was very specific in a dream that I had. Sometimes writing can be very soothing. However, when it comes to presenting anything in writing to the public I start to overthink, and I do a lot of editing. I told myself "Ashley if you have a blog try not to overthink it! Just enjoy it! Don't edit it so much. Just write what you are thinking so that you don't start to dread it. Don't make it a huge task." So that's what I'll do. I'll enjoy it! Subconsciously, various podcasts must have inspired me to blog. There's a lot of great content creators online who talk about various topics. But the podcasts I like the most are the ones with people who have fun with what they are doing. They share their wisdom in the best way that they can at the moment without worrying about having everything perfect. It's inspiring to me because their message seems genuine. I think podcasters, the pandemic, as well as other influences in my life have changed my perspective in a positive way on different topics. However, I don't necessarily want a podcast. As long as I keep my blogs non-tedious and quick it can be something I enjoy doing in my life, and it's a way for me to connect with people, so I said "Alright! I'll Write! :)"

Change Happens but Relax and Enjoy The Journey

Adjusting to the new normal does not mean that your goal/destination has to change. You just have to make the right adjustments. Take another route to get to where you want to be, try to balance your daily life and activities, and enjoy the journey!

Feel free to comment on what you have done differently due to the pandemic that has helped/benefitted/changed your perspective in a positive way. Comment Below.

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Tk Lewi
Tk Lewi
Sep 23, 2022

Great tips and blog. I purchased your sarong!! Love it 💃🏽💕🌷

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