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  • Writer's pictureAshley

New Year's Resolution Throughout The Year

Every year brings something new. Changes, mindset shifts etc. With a new perspective you may feel great about who you are, where you're going, or your accomplishments. Or, you may feel bad about those things including any goals you didn't accomplish. The new year brings different things for different people.

Why do we make resolutions? Is it a good or bad thing to do? Should someone really make a resolution at the beginning of the year? Is that necessary? Should you make a resolution(s) throughout the year? Is that better? When someone asks you "What's your new year's resolution?," or "Do you have a new year's resolution? What is it?" Should you tell them? Do you get upset, and think to yourself, "That's none of your business!" Or, maybe you're happy someone asked you about your resolution since you are more than happy to share your goals or vision with them. Whatever the case, why do some people feel pressure to set a new year's resolution while others could care less?

One of my new year's resolutions is to exercise more. I made great strides towards that goal last year, but I want to exercise more often. Don't get me wrong I can stick to going to the gym about 3-4 times a week for 1-3 months straight. However, I tend to stop after a while. I've had several health and fitness goals throughout the years, but I just want to break the cycle of going in just intervals of about 1-3 months. I'm not very proud of that. LOL! :/ At the fabric store I saw this fabric with a cool print on it. I went in the store to buy a different printed fabric theme, but I realized I kept staring at this particular print. You know what it was? I'll tell you! It was a fabric that had a print of people exercising on it. It was what I would describe as a motivational print, or motivational art. I decided to make a cosmetics bag out of it. Maybe it will also inspire/motivate someone else to exercise regularly.

Another one of my new year's resolutions is to take time to relax more frequently. This may sound crazy or contradictory to my other goal of exercising more, but I feel the need to make both a priority. I'm constantly doing or planning something. However, I've learned that sometimes it's good to just have a relaxation day. Being productive/active is great. However, I've learned that even though I may mentally plan to do a lot in a day, my body frequently has a way of demanding me to slow down, and reminding me that I'm only human, and not everyday is meant to be productive or planned. This may be too personal, and it may sound random, but I've always liked showers, but I told myself that I should start taking baths as well. It's a way of slowing down and relaxing. In my mind busy people prefer to take showers instead of baths since they are always on the go, and showers are quicker or more convenient. Around October of last year I saw this fabric in the store that had a cool print on it, and I really liked it because it was a print of people relaxing, or having a spa day. I decided to make a cosmetics bag out of it. Maybe it will inspire/motivate someone else to have more spa/relaxation days.

I am intentionally posting this on Jan.31st, because I don't feel like resolutions/goals have to be made before the new year arrives. I actually like setting different goals throughout the year. Feel free to comment about your resolution/goal(s).

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